Hamburger Clubmeisterschaften 2015 @Hamburg Polo Club

Published on: June 15, 2015

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Photo Credits ©Valérie Théveniaut

After two intense week-end of Polo, The Polo Club Berlin Brandenburg team won the Hamburger Clubmeisterschaften 2015 Final that took place at Hamburg Polo Club on June 7th. The Polo Club Mühlen team was ranked third in the tournament by winning the game against Norddeutscher Polo Club team.


Polo Club Berlin Brandenburg VS. Hamburger Pologestüt 2 : 7-6,5
Polo Club Mühlen VS. Norddeutscher Polo Club : 9-8,5


Polo Club Berlin Brandenburg
-Mani Boni (0)
-Christian Jarck (0)
-Tuky Caivano (3)
-Max Bosch (3)

Hamburger Pologestüt 2
-Marc Aberle (-1)
-Nico Wollenberg (1)
-Tim Ward (4)
-Victor Beckers (1)

Polo Club Mühlen
-Estelle Wagner (0)
-Yves Wagner (0)
-Patrick Maleitzke (3)
-Sergio Magrini (3)

Norddeutscher Polo Club
Daniel Crasemann (0)
Valerie Crasemann (-2)
Caspar Crasemann (3)
Caesar Crasemann (2)

Photo Credits ©Valérie Théveniaut

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