
  • Official Argentine Polo Team for FIP Polo World Cup

    Photo Credits © AAPolo Enjoy the official Argentine polo team video presentation!

    March 25, 2015 • NEWS, Tournaments • Views: 2315


    To participate effectively in a team as a playmaker, you must develop three abilities : 1/ To receive and give passes 2/ To compete successfully for the ball in the 25%. 3/ To prevent opponents hitting the ball, from good

    December 1, 2014 • Technical Tips • Views: 2084

  • 41) TEAM

    Watching other members of your team is essential, in order that you can frequently commentate to yourself, before the ball changes direction: “Now in attack, now in defence” etc. This will make you easier for you to

    December 1, 2014 • Technical Tips • Views: 2104