Berenberg Polo Derby @Hamburger Polo Club

Published on: June 30, 2015

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Photo Credits ©German Polo Tour

The Berenberg Polo Derby, part of the German Polo Tour 2015, ended on Sunday June 28th after a great Polo week-end, with the victory of the Lanson team against the Pegasus team at Hamburger Polo Club!


Lanson VS. Berenberg: 9,5 – 9
Porsche VS. Pegasus: 8 – 5,5
Meissler & Co VS. Rumöller/Grand Luxe: 8,5 – 7

Porsche – Rumöller/Grand Luxe
Berenberg VS. Meissler & Co

Lanson VS. Pegasus

1) Lanson
2) Pegasus
3) Berenberg


Berenberg (12)
-Jo Schneider (0)
-Christopher Winter (3)
-Sven Schenider (3)
-Eduardo Anca (6)

Porsche (11)
-Estelle Wagner (0)
-Patrick Maleitzke (3)
-Pedro Fernandez Llorente (5)
-Christopher Kirsch (3)

Pegasus Events (12)
-Uwe Schröder (0)
-Gaston Maíquez (7)
-Lukas Diaz Alberdi (4)
-Christian Badenhop (1)

Meissler & Co (11)
-Caesar Crasemann (2)
-Caspar Crasemann (3)
-Adrian Laplacette (6)
-Daniel Crasemann (0)

Rumöller/Grand Luxe (12)
-Naomi Schröder (0)
-Tahnee Schröder (0)
-Santiago Marambio (6)
-Santos Anca (6)

Lanson (11)
-Matthias Grau (0)
-Heinrich Dumrath (3)
-Thomas Winter (4)
-Tatu Gomez Romero (4)

Photo Credits ©German Polo Tour

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