Polo Rules

  • 1)Don’t forget your boots!

    During a polo tournament, if a polo player comes to the award ceremony without his boots, he can be immediately sanctioned. If the player does it again, he could be suspended from a match in the next tournament!

    December 15, 2014 • Polo Rules, For Players, CONSULT • Views: 5765

  • The polo field

    A polo field must have the following dimensions: – Length: 230 to 275 meters – Width: 160 to 180 meters if the field is opened and 130 to 146 meters if there are board

    December 15, 2014 • Polo Rules, For Players, CONSULT • Views: 5097

  • Offense to the referee

    If a player disrespects or offends verbally or by any gesture another player, the referee or even the public, he can be punished by a simple warning to a two year ban and/or a US$ 50,000 fine.

    December 15, 2014 • CONSULT, Polo Rules, For Players • Views: 5427

  • The “fouls”

    Faults, or “fouls” are sanctioned by penalties on site or from distances ranging from midfield, 60, 40 or 30 yards of the opponent goals, depending on the place and the gravity of the fault.

    December 15, 2014 • Polo Rules, For Players, CONSULT • Views: 3138

  • Pay attention to your opponent’s trajectory!

    The rules are made to protect the safety of players and horses. If it is allowed to interfere with a player by pushing him shoulder against shoulder, trying to catch his mallet to prevent hitting the ball, it is forbidden to cut

    December 15, 2014 • Polo Rules, For Players, CONSULT • Views: 2315

  • 1)Not above the shoulder

    When you are trying to hook the mallet of your opponent, it is forbidden to block his action with your mallet above his shoulder. This action is called a high hook and is extremely dangerous for the player and his shoulder.

    December 15, 2014 • For Players, CONSULT, Polo Rules • Views: 2856

  • Changing ends

    Except in the case of a Penalty , ends shall be changed after every goal is scored. Ends shall also be changed if a goal has not been scored by halftime, and play shall be re-started by a throw in, hit in or penalty hit as

    December 11, 2014 • Polo Rules, For Players, CONSULT • Views: 2774

  • Who is in possession of the ball

    Who is in possession of the ball? – 2 players progressing by marking each other on the line of the ball – 1 player progressing alone on the line of the ball, in its direction or to get it – the player with the

    December 11, 2014 • Polo Rules, For Players, CONSULT • Views: 2290

  • The referees

    Two referees officiate the game riding horses, as close to the action as they can. In case of disagreement, they rely on the decision of a third arbitrator or “referee”, who is looking the game from the sidelines.

    December 11, 2014 • Polo Rules, For Players, CONSULT • Views: 3240

  • Play Time

    A match is divided into 4-8 periods or chukkas of 7 minutes 30 each, with 3 minutes breaks to change horses. If the referees have whistles to intervene in misconduct during the game, the time is given by a bell or a horn.

    December 11, 2014 • Polo Rules, For Players, CONSULT • Views: 2566