International Polo Cup @Polo Club Saint-Tropez

Published on: July 7, 2015

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Photo Credits ©Bruno Malegue

The prestigious International Cup 2015 tournament started on July 2nd at Polo Club Saint-Tropez, six teams will play polo games during the whole week until the last big final on July 12th!


Rolls Royce Monte Carlo Polo Team VS. F Polo Team: 10 – 6
Ghantoot VS. La Quinta: 12,5 – 11

Antelope VS. Power Infrastructure: 12 – 9

Rolls Royce Monte Carlo VS. La Quinta: 9 – 8

Power Infrastructure VS. Ghantoot: 10 – 8,5
F Polo Team VS. Antelope: 11 – 9

F Polo Team VS. Ghantoot : 9 – 8
Rolls Royce Monte Carlo VS. Power Infrastructure: 11 – 9

1) Rolls Royce Monte Carlo
2) Power Infrastructure
3) F Polo Team
4) Ghantoot
5) Antelope
6) La Quinta


Rolls Royce Monte Carlo (15)
-Rommy Gianni (1)
-Pipi Greguoli (4)
-Ignavio Kennedy (3)
-Darlo Musso (7)

Antelope (15)
-Geoffrey Palmer (0)
-Juan P. Chavanne (5)
-Marlin Aguerre (6)
-Ernesto Trotz (4)

Power Infrastructure (15)
-Miguel Mendoza (0)
-Santiago Zubiaurre (4)
-Marcelo A. Videla (5)
-Bautista Urbina (6)

F Polo Team (15)
-Alsharl Fiyaz (0)
-Matias Zubiaurre (4)
-Clément Delfosse (5)
-Sebastian Harriott (6)

Ghantoot (12)
-Lucas Meier (0)
-Fabian Bolanterio (3)
-Ramiro Zavaleta (3)
-Carlos Farinati (6)

La Quinta (15)
-Alexandre Sztarkman (1)
-Cristian Bernal (5)
-Edouard Pan (4)
-Pierre-Henri Ngoumou (5)

Photo Credits ©Bruno Malegue

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