Major General’s Cup 2015 @Guards Polo Club

Published on: August 31, 2015

Filled Under: NEWS, Tournaments

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Photo Credtis ©Images of Polo

The Guards Polo Club welcomed the Major General’s Cup 2015 tournament won by the Lost Boys team during the final game that took place on August 30th! During this tournament, friendly games, composed of amateurs players, but as well players part of the army, have been played in a warm and friendly atmosphere!


Lost Boys VS. The Hackett Army Team: 6 – 5
The Army Pensioners VS. The Household Division: 9 – 6,5

The Hackett Army Team VS. The Army Pensioners: 7 – 5
Lost Boys VS. The Household Division: 8 – 1,5

The Army Pensioners VS. The Household Division: 6 – 4,5

Lost Boys VS. The Hackett Army Team: 9 – 3


The Army Pensioners
-Jim Wordsworth (-1)
-Kim Richardson (1)
-Major The Lord Milo Manton (0)
-Edward Horswell (2)

The Household Division
-Captain George Hewson (0)
-Cadet J Sleeman (2)
-Lt A Mulholland (0)
-Peter Hunter

The Hackett Army Team
-Tom Windsor-Clive (-2)
-Jamie Drummond-Moray (1)
-Lt Paddy Selfe KRH (1)
-Billy Aprahamian (2)

Lost Boys
-Stefan Sund (0)
-Charlie Pidgley (1)
-Faisal Al-Rifai (1)
-TBC (0)

Photo Credtis ©Images of Polo

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