Regent’s launches first UK equestrian polo scholarship

Published on: January 17, 2017

Filled Under: NEWS, Info

Views: 2269

Two undergraduate polo scholarship places are being offered annually to applicants who can demonstrate excellence in polo and want to become ambassadors for both Regent’s and the sport. The awards will also cover 15% of a successful student’s chosen programme fees.

To achieve a place individuals need to hold an offer from Regent’s and submit a 500-word statement on what polo means to them, video footage of them playing, and a reference from a registered polo club.

Regent’s Polo Team has an already enviable reputation and, from March 2017, the University will host its own annual tournament featuring competitors from six other UK universities.

Neil Herrington, Regent’s Head of Student Recruitment, explains:

“Polo is hugely popular with audiences around the world and given the highly international makeup of our student body the polo club is an essential part of many of their social lives.

“We are expecting interest from countries including Latin America, Brazil, USA, UK, Canada, France, Germany, Iran, India, Pakistan, Hong Kong and Dubai.”

Explaining his own polo experience, team captain James Russell Taylor, a second year Regent’s Global Business Management student, said:

“When I first started at Regent’s polo was probably the furthest thing from my mind. Then I saw a taster-day advertised and there were a few wooden horses on the lawn so I thought I’d try.

“It’s a tough sport, but the challenge is the best thing about it.

“Regent’s has had a long tradition of polo excellence and it’s great to see this commitment to further developing our team, and other sport across the University.”

– Applicants for the Regent’s Polo Scholarship should email their statement, video footage and reference to: by 17:00 (UK time), Wednesday 31 May 2017.
– Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed face-to-face or via Skype by Regent’s Student Services Team, which is leading the initiative, and a member of external partners – the Cool Hooves Polo Club.
– New students can sign-up for a trial with the Regent’s Polo Team during at the University’s next Freshers’ Fair on Wednesday 25 January, 2017.

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