El polo vivió su propia fiesta olímpica. Jóvenes de varias nacionalidades participaron el miércoles 10/19 del “Showcase” realizado en el Campo Argentino de Polo y de esta manera le permitieron a este deporte volver a ser
October 11, 2018 •
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The qualification tournament for Hurlingham and Palermo resumed on Wednesday at Palermo’s number two ground with the two Zone A matches postponed from last Friday due to poor weather. ALEGRIA 10-9 PUESTO VIEJO Alegría: Julian
En la cancha 2 del Campo Argentino de Polo en Palermo, se jugará el miércoles 26/9 a partir de las 11.00, el partido decisivo de la XXXVI versión del Campeonato Argentino Abierto Juvenil. Será un estupendo partido entre dos
Photo Credits ©Alexis Ruffat More than 715,000 spectators were present at the 129th edition of the Rural, exhibition organized every year in Buenos Aires by the Argentine Rural Society. For ten days, this exhibition is an
Photo Credits © Matías Callejo The finals of the Copas Voluntad (A y H) 2015 took place at Palermo, closing this great Polo season until the next Spring Season 2015! Congratulations to the Black Watch and Capilla del Señor II
Discover the Argentina Polo Tour Palermo results and galleries! Photos by Nacho Corbalan and Poloconsult. RESULTS 24/02 14h30 – Amadeus VS. Why Not : 15 – 11. 17h00 – Cabreuva VS. RH Polo : 9 – 12. 25/02
Enjoy the X° Argentina Polo Tour in the famous Palermo field that will take place from February, 24th. 14 to 16 goals Come in, it is free! @Palermo (24/02 – 07/03) 24/02 14h30 – Amadeus VS. Why Not. (Cancha B) 17h00